Motion of Claimant Maxine Louise Swaim's Counsel to Clarify Closing Order 5's Deadline
  1. Motion of Claimant Maxine Louise Swaim's Counsel to Clarify Closing Order 5's Deadline for Qualifying Claimants To Confirm Address and Submit Estate Documents, May 25, 2023

  2. Joinder and Response of CAC, June 13, 2023

  3. Response of Dow Silicones, June 13, 2023

    1. Index of Exhibits
    2. Exh D, Declaration of K. Smith-Mair

  4. Joinder in Response of Dow Silicones by Finance Committee, June 13, 2023
    1. Exh 1, Declaration of P Harwood

  5. Reply of Claimants Advisory Committee to Finance Committee's Joinder June 20, 2023
    1. Exh 1 to CAC Reply, Declaration of Dianna Pendleton-Dominguez June 20, 2023

  6. Reply of Counsel for Claimant Maxine Swaim June 20, 2023

  7. Order Regarding Motion To Clarify Closing Order 5's Deadline Filed By Maxine Louise Swaim (ECF No. 1718) and Motion for Joinder of Claimants' Advisory Committee in Motion of Claimant Maxine Louise Swaim (ECF No 1720) July 31, 2024, ECF

Finance Committee's Motion for Order To Show Cause
  1. Finance Committee's Motion for Order to Show Cause with Respect to Law Firms and Counsel Who Have Failed to Respond to the Audit Survey Required by Closing Order 4, filed March 21, 2023

    1. Exhibit 1

  2. Order To Show Cause, entered 3-28-2023

  3. CAC Motion for Reconsideration and Motion to Vacate Order To Show Cause, filed March 31, 2023

  4. Finance Committee Timeline For Mailing Materials re Order to Show Cause, filed April 4, 2023

  5. Order Granting Motion for Reconsideration, filed April 20, 2023

  6. Dows Joinder in FC Motion for Order to Show Cause, filed April 24, 2023

  7. Finance Committee Reply to CAC's Opposition, filed April 25, 2023
    1. Declaration of Kimberly Smith-Mair

  8. Finance Committee Report Regarding Audit Survey and Motion for Dismissal, Nov 24, 2023
  9. Order Dismissing Order to Show Cause and Cancelling Show Cause Hearing, Nov. 27, 2023
  10. Dow Notice regarding Audit Survey Responses, Nov 27, 2023
  11. Joint Motion for Order to Show Cause, Mar. 7, 2023
    1. Exh 1 Declaration of Kimberly Smith Mair
    2. Exh 2 List of Law Firms

  12. Mar. 8, 2024 Order to Show Cause
  13. Joint Motion For Dismissal of Order to Show Cause, Mar. 26, 2024
  14. Order Dismissing Show Cause, Mar. 26, 2024
Finance Committee and Dows Motion for Final Distribution Deadline
  1. Motion by the Finance Committee and Dows To Establish a Final Distribution Deadline Regarding Replacement Checks For Settlement Claims in the Dow Corning Settlement Program, filed March 29, 2023

    1. Exhibit 1
    2. Exhibit 6 - Declaration of Kimberly Smith-Mair

  2. Claimants Advisory Committee Response to Motion for Final Distribution Deadline, filed April 3, 2023

  3. Finance Committee Reply, filed April 10, 2023
    1. List of Exhibits
    2. Exhibit 1 - Declaration of K Smith-Mair

  4. CAC's Further Response, filed April 12, 2023

Joint Motion For Authorization To Dispose of Claim Records Maintained by the SFDCT, ECF 1704
  1. Joint Motion For Authorization To Dispose of Claim Records Maintained by the SFDCT, filed April 2, 2023

2020 - Final Premium Payment Issue

  1. Scheduling Order re: Finance Committee Motion for Premium Payments, dated December 29, 2020

  2. FC Revised Motion for Premium Payments, dated January 14, 2021

  3. Claimants' Advisory Committee Response supporting the Finance Committee Motion, dated January 27, 2021

  4. Dow Silicones Corporation et al Response opposing the Finance Committee Motion, dated January 27, 2021

  5. Korean Claimants' Response opposing the Finance Committee motion, dated January 27, 2021

  6. Feb 10, 2021 - Claimants' Advisory Committee Reply to Dow Silicones regarding Second Priority Payments

    1. Feb. 10, 2021 - Exhibit A to CAC Reply

  7. Feb. 10, 2021 - Finance Committee Reply to Dow Silicones regarding Second Priority Payments

  8. June 24, 2021 ORDER re 2nd PREMIUM PAYMENTS

  9. 2021, 7026 Dow Notice of Appeal to 6th Circuit

  10. 2021, 9-17 Dow Motion to Dismiss Case
    #21-2788 #14

  11. 2021, 9017 6th Circuit Order Dismissing Dow Appeal


Peter E. Trangredi
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Peter E. Tangredi, dated 04-09-2019

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Peter E. Tangredi dated 04-17-2019

  3. Finance Committees Motion to Vacate re Peter Tangredi, dated May 7, 2019

  4. Order Granting Motion to Vacate re Peter Tangredi, dated May 8, 2019
Jacqueline Reid-Peterson
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Jacqueline Reid-Peterson, dated 04-10-2019

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Jacqueline Reid-Peterson dated 04-17-2019

  3. Finance Committees Motion to Vacate re Jacqueline Reid-Peterson, dated May 3, 2019

  4. Order Granting Motion to Vacate re Jacqueline Reid-Peterson, dated May 6, 2019
Moncie Rasmus, Jr.
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Moncie Rasmus, Jr., dated 04-10-2019

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Moncie Rasmus, Jr. dated 04-17-2019

  3. Finance Committees Motion to Vacate re Moncie Rasmus, dated April 29, 2019

  4. Order Granting Motion to Vacate re Moncie Rasmus, dated May 3, 2019
Ronald L. Broquet
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Ronald L. Broquet, dated 04-10-2019

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Ronald L. Broquet dated 04-10-2019

  3. Finance Committees Motion to Vacate re Ronald Broquet,
    dated May 7, 2019

  4. Order Granting Motion to Vacate re Ronald Broquet, dated May 8, 2019
Rodney A. Klein
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Rodney A. Klein, dated 04-10-2019

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Rodney A. Klein dated 04-17-2019

  3. Finance Committees Motion to Adjourn re Rodney A. Klein, dated May 8, 2019

  4. Order Granting Motion to Adjourn re Rodney A. Klein, dated May 8, 2019

  5. Finance Committee's Motion to Vacate or Dismiss Order to Show Cause re: Rodney A. Klein, dated May 31, 2019

  6. Order to Vacate or Dismiss re: Rodney A. Klein, dated June 3, 2019


Joseph Hochbein
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Joseph Hochbein, filed May 11, 2018

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C
    3. Exhibit D
    4. Exhibit E
    5. Exhibit F
    6. Exhibit G
    7. Exhibit H

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Joseph Hochbein, filed May 29, 2018

  3. June 14, 2018 Response from Hochbein's Personal Representative

  4. June 18, 2018 Order Continuing Show Cause Hearing

Jeffrey Steidley
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Jeffrey Steidley, filed May 11, 2018

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C
    3. Exhibit D
    4. Exhibit E

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Jeffrey Steidley, filed May 29, 2018

  3. June 8, 2018 Finance Committee's Motion to Adjourn or Continue Hearing re: J. Steidley

  4. June 13, 2018 Order Granting Finance Committee's Motion to Continue re: J Steidley

  5. August 1, 2018 Finance Committee's Motion to Vacate or Dismiss Order To Show Cause re: J Steidley

  6. August 1, 2018 Order Granting Motion to Vacate Order To Show Cause re: J Steidley

Gilmer Sadler
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Gilmer Sadler, filed May 11,2018

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C
    3. Exhibit D
    4. Exhibit E
    5. Exhibit F
    6. Exhibit G
    7. Exhibit H
    8. Exhibit I

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Gilmer Sadler, filed May 29, 2018

  3. Finance Committee's Motion to Vacate or Dismiss Order to Show Cause, dated June 8, 2018

  4. Finance Committee's Motion to Adjourn Show Cause Hearing, dated June 8, 2018

  5. June 13, 2018 Order Granting Finance Committee's Motion to Vacate Show Cause re: Gilmer Sadler

Herald Alexander
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Herald Alexander, filed May 11, 2018

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C
    3. Exhibit D
    4. Exhibit E
    5. Exhibit F
    6. Exhibit G

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Herald Alexander, filed May 29, 2018

  3. July 23, 2018 Motion to Vacate / Dismiss Order to Show Cause re: H Alexander

  4. July 25, 2018 Order Granting Motion to Vacate Order To Show Cause re: H Alexander

Daniel Becnel
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Daniel Becnel, filed May 11,2018

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C
    3. Exhibit D
    4. Exhibit E
    5. Exhibit F
    6. Exhibit G
    7. Exhibit H

  2. Order to Show Cause re: Daniel Becnel, filed May 29, 2018

  3. June 14, 2018 Finance Committee's Motion to Vacate or Dismiss Order to Show Cause re: D Becnel

  4. June 18, 2018 Order Granting Finance Committee's Motion to Vacate Show Cause re: D Becnel

William Ruth
  1. Finance Committee Motion for an Order to Show Cause re: Wm. Ruth , filed January 10, 2018

    1. Exhibits B – C – D
      #1353-2; #1353-3; #1353-4; #1353-5

  2. Wm Ruth Objection and Response, filed January 17, 2018

  3. Order to Show Cause filed January 26, 2018

  4. Wm Ruth Supplemental Objection, Response and Request for Telephone Hearing, filed February 23, 2018

  5. Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Wm Ruth dated 03-21-2018

  6. Supplemental Exhibit 1 of Wm Ruth and Objections to FC Motion for OSC dated 03-22-2018

  7. Notice of Appearance of Michael Rock dated 03-22-2018

  8. Supplemental Brief Re: FC Motion for OSC re: Wm Ruth dated 04-03-2018

    1. Exhibit 1
    2. Exhibit 2
    3. Exhibit 3

  9. Wm. Ruth's Objection and Response to FC Supplemental Motion for OSC dated 04-06-2018

  10. August 12, 2022 Order re: William Ruth
Joseph Hochbein
  1. Finance Committee's Motion to Show Cause re: Joseph Hochbein, filed May 11, 2018

    1. Exhibit B
    2. Exhibit C
    3. Exhibit D
    4. Exhibit E
    5. Exhibit F
    6. Exhibit G
    7. Exhibit H
    8. Finance Committee Report Regarding Audit Survey and Motion for Dismissal, Nov 24, 2023
    9. Order Dismissing Order to Show Cause and Cancelling Show Cause Hearing, Nov. 27, 2023
    10. Dow Notice regarding Audit Survey Responses, Nov 27, 2023


Consent Order to Establish Guidelines for Distributions from the Class 7 Silicone Material Claimants' Fund
  1. Consent Order, filed May 22, 2015

    1. Exhibit A
    2. Exhibit B
    3. Exhibit C
    4. Exhibit D
    5. Exhibit E
    6. Exhibit F
    7. Exhibit G
    8. Exhibit H
    9. Exhibit I
    10. Exhibit J
    11. Exhibit K
    12. Exhibit L
    13. Exhibit M
    14. Exhibit N
    15. Exhibit O
    16. Exhibit P
    17. Exhibit Q
    18. Exhibit R
    19. Exhibit S
    20. Index of Exhibits

  2. Order Authorizing Distribution of Notice under Class 7, filed June 2, 2015

  3. Notice of Proposed Order Establishing Guidelines for Distribution from the Class 7 Fund, dated June 12, 2015

  4. 2015, July 29 Scheduling Order Regarding Consent Order to Establish Guidelines for Distributions from Class 7 Silicone Material Claimants' Fund

  5. 2015, September 15 Omnibus Response to Objections & Submissions Responding to Consent Order to Establish Guidelines for Distribution From Class 7 Silicone Materials Claimants Fund

  6. Order Approving Consent Order to Establish Guidelines for Distribution from Class 7 Fund, filed December 3, 2015

  7. Consent Order to Establish Guidelines for Distribution from Class 7, dated December 3, 2015


Request for Compensation
  1. Request for Compensation Release by (claimaint's name redacted), filed October 11, 2011 (document not posted because of privacy reasons)

  2. Motion to Dismiss by DCC, filed October 26, 2011 (document not posted because of privacy reasons)


Motion to Process Claim
  1. Motion to Process Claim by (claimaint's name redacted), filed March 1, 2012 (document not posted because of privacy reasons)

  2. Cross Motion to Dismiss by DCC, filed March 23, 2012 (document not posted because of privacy reasons)

  3. Order Denying Motion & Granting DC Cross Motion to Dismiss Appeal, filed 01-04-2018 (document not posted because of privacy reasons)


Dow Corning's Motion Regarding Calculation of Time Value Credits
  1. Dow Corning's Motion Regarding Calculation of Time Value Credits, filed January 8, 2010

  2. CAC's Response to Dow Corning's Motion, filed February 12, 2010

  3. Order Regarding Motion to Enforce Application of Time Value Credits Under Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization, filed November 28, 2011

  4. Time Value Credit Issue

    1. DCC Notice of Appeal, Time Value Credit issue 12-20-2011
    2. DCC Brief Time Value Credit Issue, 05-10-2012
    3. CAC Brief, 06-12-2012
    4. 6TH Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling on Time Value Credit Issue, dated March 8, 2013
    5. Appellee's Petition for Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc, dated March 22, 2013
    6. DCC Response to CAC's Petition for Rehearing dated April 8, 2013
    7. 6th Circuit Amended Opinion - Ruling on Rehearing dated April 18, 2013
    8. CAC Supplemental Memorandum of Law dated May 2, 2013
    9. 6th Circuit Order Denying EnBanc Hearing, dated May 30, 2013

  5. Joint Stipulation and Order Setting Briefing Schedule and Hearing Date on CAC Motion Regarding Treatment of Initial Payment, filed August 1, 2013

  6. Motion of CAC for Order Resolving Dispute Regarding Treatment of Initial Payment, filed August 5, 2013

  7. Opposition of Dow Corning to Motion of CAC for Order Resolving Dispute Regarding Treatment of Initial Payment, dated September 9, 2013

  8. Reply in Further Support of Motion of CAC for Order Resolving Dispute Regarding Treatment of Initial Payment, dated September 27, 2013

  9. Oral Argument held on 10/24/13 -- Matter taken under advisement

  10. Joint Stipulation and Order Dismissing Time Value Credit Motion, filed November 1, 2021


Kevin McLean
  1. September 16, 2016 Order re: McLean
  2. Order for Kevin McClean to Show Cause, filed February 5, 2008

  3. Response filed by Kevin McLean, filed March 10, 2008

  4. Reply to response filed by D. Austern, filed March 25, 2008

  5. Letter from K. McLean re D Austern's Response, filed March 24, 2008

  6. Letter from D. Austern re K. McLean's letter, filed March 27, 2008

2006 - 2008

Motion by Siegel Kelleher for Extension of the June 1, 2006 Deadline and Request to allow expert rupture reports
  1. Motion for Extension, filed May 31 2006

  2. CAC Response to Siegel Kelleher Motion, filed June 21,2006

  3. CAC's Response to Siegel Kelleher and Exhibits 1-3

  4. CAC's Response to Siegel Kelleher and Exhibits 4-10

  5. CAC's Response to Siegel Kelleher and Exhibits 11-12

  6. Dow Corning's Response to Motion, filed June 21, 2006

  7. Dow Corning's Response to CAC's Response to Siegel Kelleher and Exhibits A - M, filed July 26, 2006

    Exhibit A
    Exhibit B
    Exhibit C
    Exhibit D
    Exhibit E
    Exhibit F
    Exhibit G
    Exhibit H
    Exhibit I
    Exhibit J
    Exhibit K
    Exhibit L
    Exhibit M

  8. Memorandum Opinion & Order, filed March 31, 2008


CAC Motion for Declaratory Judgment
  1. CAC Motion for Declaratory Judgment That The "Receipt and Release" Document Solicited By The Dow Corning Legal Department From Unrepresented Claimants From 1992 - 1995 As Part of the Removal Assistance Program (Or Represented As Part of Such Program) Is Not A General Release", filed March 16, 2006

  2. Memorandum in Support of Motion of Claimant's Advisory Committee for Declaratory Relief that the "Receipt and Release" Document Solicited by the Dow Corning Legal Department from Unrepresented Claimants from 1992-1995 as Part of the Removal Assistance Program (or Represented as Part of Such Program) is Not a General Release, filed March 16, 2006

    1. Exhibit 1
    2. Exhibit 2A
    3. Exhibit 2B
    4. Exhibit 2C
    5. Exhibit 2D
    6. Exhibit 2E
    7. Exhibit 2F
    8. Exhibit 3
    9. Exhibit 4
    10. Exhibit 5
    11. Exhibit 6 Part 1
    12. Exhibit 6 Part 2
    13. Exhibit 6 Part 3
    14. Exhibit 6 Part 4
    15. Exhibit 6 Part 5
    16. Exhibit 6 Part 6
    17. Exhibit 6 Part 7
    18. Exhibit 6 Part 8
    19. Exhibit 7
    20. Exhibit 7A
    21. Exhibit 7B
    22. Exhibit 7C
    23. Exhibit 8
    24. Exhibit 9
    25. Exhibit 10
    26. Exhibit 11
    27. Exhibit 12
    28. Exhibit 13
    29. Exhibit 14
    30. Exhibit 15
    31. Exhibit 16
    32. Exhibit 17
    33. Exhibit 18
    34. Exhibit 19
    35. Exhibit 20
    36. Exhibit 21
    37. Exhibit 22
    38. Exhibit 23
    39. Exhibit 24
    40. Exhibit 25
    41. Exhibit 26
    42. Exhibit 27
    43. Exhibit 28
    44. Exhibit 29
    45. Exhibit 30
    46. Exhibit 31
    47. Exhibit 32
    48. Exhibit 33A
    49. Exhibit 33B
    50. Exhibit 34
    51. Index of Exhibits

  3. DCC Response to CAC Motion for Declaratory Judgment Regarding the Release & Receipt Document, filed May 19, 2006

    1. Exhibit List
    2. Exhibit 1, Part 1
    3. Exhibit 1, Part 2
    4. Exhibit 2
    5. Exhibit 3
    6. Exhibit 4
    7. Exhibit 5

  4. Reply of CAC to Dow Corning's Response Regarding Validity of Releases, filed June 30, 2006

    1. Updated List of Exhibits
    2. Exhibits 35-44 (Exhibit 44 is filed under seal)
    3. Exhibits 45-54

  5. Order Dismissing Motion for Declaratory Judgement, filed March 14, 2019,


Notice of Hearing on Motion by Dow Corning To Authorize Disposition of Claim Records.
  1. Notice of Hearing on Motion, filed May 10, 2006

  2. Order Authorizing Daticon To Destroy Records, filed June 13, 2006


Motion For Equitable Relief

  1. Motion For Equitable Relief by Nancy Forehand w/exhibits, filed February 9, 2006

  2. DCC Response, filed March 2, 2006

  3. Withdrawal of Motion, filed March 9, 2006

2004 - 2014

CAC Motion regarding eligibility of Dow Corning Tissue Expanders as Breast Implants
  1. CAC's Motion regarding the eligibility of tissue expanders implanted in the breast to be treated as breast implants, filed on July 19, 2004

  2. Dow Corning's Motion seeking to deny tissue expanders implanted in the breast from being treated as breast implants, filed July 19, 2004

  3. CAC's Response to Dow Corning's Motion regarding Tissue Expander Eligibility (with exhibits)

    1. Exhibit 1
    2. Exhibit 2

  4. Order Regarding Tissue Expander Issue, filed June 10, 2009

  5. Appeals to 6th Circuit

    1. Notice of Appeal re Tissue Expanders, 2009, 6-19
    2. DCC Brief re Tissue Expanders, 2009, 10-14
    3. CAC Response re Tissue Expanders, 2009, 11-13
    4. DCC Reply re Tissue Expanders, 2009, 11-30
    5. 6th Circuit Ruling on Tissue Expandees & Disability A Appeals 2010, 12-17
    6. 6th Circuit Order Denying Petition for Rehearing 2011, 01-24
    7. DCC Appeal dated January 09, 2014
    8. CAC Response Brief dated February 11, 2014
    9. DCC Reply Brief to CAC Response regarding Tissue Expanders dated February 28, 2014

  6. *NEW* Dow Corning's Memorandum Regarding Extrinsic Evidence of the Meaning of "Breast Implant" and "Tissue Expander," filed on March 29, 2011

  7. *NEW* Memorandum of CAC Regarding Extrinsic Evidence of the Parties Intended Meaning of "Breast Implant" filed April 11, 2011

  8. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

    1. DCC Appeal dated January 09, 2014
    2. CAC Response Brief dated February 11, 2014
    3. DCC Reply Brief to CAC Response regarding Tissue Expanders dated February 28, 2014
    4. 6th Circuit Order Confirming tissue expanders are included in definition of "Breast Implants" filed July 31, 2014


  1. Motion to Reconsider entry of 231 Agreed Order Adopting the Additional Q & A Pursuant to Article IX of Annex A, The Claims Resolution Procedures by J.C. Powell, filed November 21, 2005

  2. DCC Response to J.C. Powell Motion, filed December 13, 2005

2005 - 2008

CAC Motion regarding Tolling Cure Deadlines in the Settlement Facility (and related individual motions)
  1. Motion of [Claimant Name Redacted] To Toll The Six Month Deadline For Curing Rupture Deficiencies, filed January 21, 2005

    1. Motion to Withdraw Motion, filed August 16, 2005

  2. Response of CAC to Motion To Toll The Six Month Deadline For Curing Rupture Deficiencies and Motion of CAC To Toll The Cure Deadline For All Requests For Re-Review That Are Pending More Than 21 Days, filed February 2005

  3. DCC Response to Motion to Toll The Six Month Deadline For Curing and Response to CAC Motion to Toll the Cure Deadline for All Requests For Re-Review That Are Pending More Than 21 Days, filed March 18, 2005

  4. Motion of Claimant DeSantos to Toll Cure Deadline, filed February 25, 2005

    1. Notice of Withdrawal of Motion, filed July 15, 2005

  5. Motion of Claimant Vanlandingham to Toll Cure Deadline, filed March 16, 2005

    1. Notice withdrawn verbally at hearing on July 29, 2005

  6. Motion by Motley Rice For Expedited Consideration For Tolling of Disease Deficiencies and Request For Six Month Extension For Curing Past and Future Disease Deficiencies, filed May 27, 2005

    1. Notice of Substitution of Plaintiffs' Exhibits 22 and 23, filed May 31, 2005
    2. DCC Response to Motley Rice Motion, filed June 20, 2005
    3. CAC Response to Motley Rice Motion, filed June 27, 2005

  7. Motion #1 by Doffermyre Shields To Toll The One Year Deadline For Curing Disease Claim Deficiencies For [Claimant Name Redacted], filed May 27, 2005

    1. Motion to Withdraw Motion, filed July 6, 2005

  8. Motion #2 by Doffermyre Shields To Toll The One Year Deadline For Curing Disease Claim Deficiencies For [Claimant Name Redacted], filed June 6, 2005

    1. Motion to Withdraw Motion, filed June 10 2005

  9. Motion by Doffermyre Shields To Toll The Six Month Deadline For Curing Rupture Deficiencies For [Claimant Name Redacted], filed June 6, 2005

    1. Notice to Withdraw Motion, filed August 16, 2005

  10. Motion of Nita Baldwin To Toll The Six-Month Deadline For Curing Rupture Deficiency, filed June 10, 2005

    1. Issue resolved by SF-DCT

  11. Motion of Claimant Susannah Breen In Support of To Toll The One Year Deadline For Curing Disease Deficiencies

    1. Motion to Withdraw Motion

  12. Omnibus Response of CAC To Seven Additional Motions Seeking Relief in the Form of Tolling And/Or Extension of Cure Deadlines For Claim Submissions and CAC Omnibus Motion For Relief On Behalf Of All Settling Claimants Whose Cure Deadline(s) Have Already Run or Are About To Run Within The Next Six Months, filed June 27, 2005.

  13. Motion of Laura Ayon-Azzar To Toll The One Year Deadline For curing Disease Claim Deficiencies and Request For Six Month Extension For Curing Past and Future Disease Deficiencies, filed July 5,2005

  14. Motion of Beth Bogert To Toll The One Year Deadline For curing Disease Claim Deficiencies and Request For Six Month Extension For Curing Past and Future Disease Deficiencies, filed July 5,2005

  15. Motion of Marcia Rathbun To Toll The One Year Deadline For curing Disease Claim Deficiencies and Request For Six Month Extension For Curing Past and Future Disease Deficiencies, filed July 5,2005

  16. Out of time Motion and Memorandum in Support of Immediately Ordering The Dow Corning Settlement To Evaluate All Level A Disabilities According to the Language Found in the Settlement Document Which Allows A QMD To Apply The Definitions of Either Vocation or Self-Care; Tolling The One Year Deadline For curing Disease Claim Deficiencies For Helen Bolstorff Until The Decision Is Made (filed by Faris & Faris Law Office), filed July 14, 2005

  17. Plaintiffs' Motion and Memorandum in Support of Expedited Consideration of Tolling of Deficiencies and Request for Six Month Extension For Curing Past and Future Deficiencies (filed by Gauthier, Houghtaling & Williams), filed August 2, 2005

    1. Notice of Withdrawal of Motion

  18. Agreed Order to Temporarily Suspend All Cure Deadlines, filed August 5, 2005

  19. Agreed Order To Indefinitely Defer The Deadline For Debtor's Representatives To Respond To The Omnibus Motion of CAC For Relief On Behalf of All Settling Claimants Whose Cure Deadline(s) Have Already Run or Are About to Run Within The Next Six Months, filed August 23, 2005

  20. Agreed order Modifying and Extending The Order of August 5, 2005 Temporarily Suspending Cure Deadlines, filed October 6, 2005

  21. Agreed Order Extending Cure Deadline to April 17, 2006, filed December 23, 2005

  22. Agreed Order Resetting Cure Deadlines to July 17, 2006, filed March 31, 2006

  23. Agreed Order Resetting Cure Deadlines to January 17, 2007, filed June 21, 2006

  24. Agreed Order Resetting Cure Deadlines, filed January 16, 2007

  25. Agreed Order Modifying Certain Final Disease Cure Deadlines, filed December 12, 2007

  26. Amended Agreed Order Modifying Certain Final Disease Cure Deadlines, filed March 31, 2008

  27. Amended Agreed Order Modifying Certain Final Disease Cure Deadlines, filed August 27, 2008

  28. Amended Agreed Order Modifying Certain Final Disease Cure Deadlines, filed October 2, 2008

2004 - 2011

CAC Motion For Disclosure of Substantive Criteria
  1. CAC Motion For Disclosure of Substantive Criteria Created, Adopted And/Or Being Applied By The Settlement Facility And Request For Expedited Consideration, filed December 6,2004

  2. Reply of CAC to Dow Corning's Response To The Motion For The Disclosure For Disclosure of Substantive Criteria Created, Adopted And/Or Being Applied By The Settlement Facility And Request For Expedited Consideration, filed Fabruary, 2005

  3. CAC Reply to DCC's Response, filed February 7, 2005

  4. Notice of Filing Supplemental Exhibit by CAC, filed June 19, 2006

  5. Response of Dow Corning to Filing of Supplemental Exhibit, filed June 20, 2006

  6. Objection of Dow Corning to Filing of Supplemental Exhibit, filed June 20, 2006

  7. Reply of CAC to Dow Corning's Response and Objection, filed June 29, 2006

    1. Index of Exhibits to CAC Reply
    2. Exhibits 13-17 to CAC Reply
    3. Exhibits 18-21 to CAC Reply
    4. Exhibits 22-25 to CAC Reply

  8. Dow Corning's Motion to Strike Certain Submissions and Arguments of the CAC and Plaintiffs' Counsel From The Record In Connection With The Disability Level A Proceedings

    1. DCC M to Strike Certain Exh.pdf, filed September14, 2006
    2. Exh B - Austern Affidavit.pdf
    3. Exh C Under Seal Label
    4. Exh D Excerpts from Annex A.pdf
    5. Exh E1 Under Seal Label
    6. Exh E2 Under Seal Label
    7. Exhibit A - Nov 19.2001 Mem.pdf

  9. Opinion and Order Regarding Disability Level A Issue, filed June 10, 2009

  10. Disability A Issue � 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

    1. Notice of Appeal re Disability A, 2009, 6-19
    2. DCC Brief re Disability A, 2009, 11-9
    3. CAC Response re Disability A, 2009, 12-8
    4. DCC Reply re Disability A, 2009, 12-28
    5. 6th Circuit Ruling on Tissue Expandees & Disability A Appeals 2010, 12-17
    6. 6th Circuit Order Denying Petition for Rehearing 2011, 01-24


O'Quinn & Laminack Law Firm
  1. Order for O'Quinn & Laminack Law Firm to Show Cause, filed April 5, 2007

  2. Response filed April 20, 2007

  3. Agreed Stipulation of Facts by O'Quinn Law Firm and D. Austern, filed October 27, 2009

  4. Stipulation of Dismissal files July 14, 2016

  5. Order on Stipulated Voluntary Dismissal files August 21, 2016


Motion by Spitzfaden Claimants re Processing
  1. Motion of Spitzfaden Claimants, filed January 28, 2005

  2. Agreed Order Regarding Processing of Spitzfaden Claimants, filed March 28, 2005


CAC Motion re adding new Proof of Manufacturer Protocol
  1. Houssiere Motion To Deem Pre-1971 Silicone Gel Breast Implants As Dow, filed Janyary 5, 2005

  2. Response of CAC to Motion To Deem Pre-1971 Silicone Gel Breast Implants As Dow and Motion of CAC To Amend Annex A To The Settlement Facility and Fund Distribution Agreement To Adopt An Additional Proof of Manufacturer Protocol, filed Feburary 7, 2005

  3. DCC Response to Motion to Deem Pre-1971 Silicone Gel Breast Implants as Dow, filed February 7, 2005

  4. DCC Response to CAC Motion to Amend Annex A, filed March 18, 2005

  5. Stipulation and Agreed Order Regarding Pre-1971 Breast Implant Identification Protocol, filed July 29, 2005


CAC Motion regarding Tolling of 24 Month/5 Year Requirement for Disease Option 2 claims
  1. CAC's Motion regarding the tolling language in Disease Option 2 regarding the "24 month / 5 year" provision, filed July 19, 2004

  2. Dow Corning's Motion seeking to limit the tolling language in Disease Option 2 to just the 5 year part of the 24 month / 5 year requirement, filed July 19, 2004

  3. CAC's Response to Dow Corning's Motion on the Tolling Language Dispute (with exhibit), filed August 9, 2004

    1. Exhibit 1

  4. DCC's Response to CAC Motion to Interpret Annex A, The Claims Resolution Procedures, Schedule II, Part B, General Criteria (A) Tolling, filed August 9, 2004

  5. 2021, 6-23 Stipulation and Order Dismissing Tolling

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