The main information we are providing concerns breast implants as they have been reported by the press as well as interviews in other forms but video taped for public and private viewing.The quality of some videos, and the inclusion of some other news material and commercials can or should be ignored.
FDA's Latest Updates on Breast Implant Safety and Effectiveness
Squamous Cell Carcinoma And Breast Implants
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Caused By Breast Implants
TS 3
Story of breast implant use on the rise. Dr. Susan Kolb discusses complications, shows 2 types of implants, discusses capsular contracture, shows explant surgery (it is graphic). It shows several summer scenes with shots of women's breasts (covered).
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TS 4
News Report of increased use of breast implants with saline. Calls for greater informed consent and reports that 25% of women with implants have reported problems. Refers to fungus in removed implants and FDA reports that women with implants will probably require repeat surgery within 5 years.
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TS 5
Reports on problems with breast implant complications. Doctor claims implants are safer. Patient disagrees. Sybil Goldrich interviewed. Shows happy patient talking about her implants.
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TS 7
Reference to Dow Corning bankruptcy. Mentions FDA is now allowing implants to be marketed. Good discussion.
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TS 8
Talks of FDA reconsidering allowing silicone implants to be marketed again.
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TS 10
Discussion of implant safety and FDA restoring implants to unlimited use.
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TS 11
Lift ban on silicone gel, making choices, and discussion of platinum in implants.
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TS 16
Talks of beginning of Dow Corning Payments in Breast Implant settlement.
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TS 17
Story of Kasey Long, woman with breast implants who talks of the importance of informed consent.
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TS 18
Kasey Long talks of young girls of high school age making decisions and the need for getting enough information.
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TS 25
Deborah Norville. Are Implants Safe? Actresses testify.
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TS 28
Segment of Daily Show with John Stewart
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TS 30
Young women discuss the personal cost of looking good
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TS 32
Kim Stewart, daughter of Rod Stewart tells of getting implants and having them removed.
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TS 34
Discussion of breast implants for teenagers.
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TS 35
C-Span Show. National Press Club, Washington DC presents National Counsel of Women's Organizations discussing Breast Augmentation, Implantation, Rupture Rates.
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TS 37
Discussion of Female Body Issue
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TS 41
Actual breast surgery. WARNING: GRAPHIC
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TS 43
Actual breast surgery. WARNING: GRAPHIC
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TS 48
1992. What Dow Doesn't Want You To Know about implants. Dr. Lu Jean Feng discusses gel migration, John Swanson, former employee of Dow Corning speaks.
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TS 49
Film footage of ruptured implants
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TS 50
2005. Comments from Breast Implant patients
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TS 51
Understanding the risks of Breast Implants, Groups picketing in front of Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
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TS 53
Breast Implant Research and Information Act: Women Interviewed on their experiences and their support for breast implant research and informed consent
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TS 54
Women's Body Image College Campus Tour
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TS 55
Discussion of breast implant approval. Dr. Susan Colb, Mary McDonough, Sybil Goldrich
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TS 58
National Organization for Women Conference on breast implants - Kim Gandy, President of NOW and noted scientists discuss their findings about and opinions of silicone breast implant safety. Speakers from FDA, NIH, and scientists from various universities report.
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TS 59
Continuation of NOW conference - discussion of Institute of Medicine report and epidemiology
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TS 60
Continuation of NOW conference - discussion of silicone migration and Platinum, gel migration and lymph nodes
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TS 61
Continuation of NOW conference - risks of platinum exposure from implants
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TS 62
Continuation of NOW conference
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TS 63
Continuation of NOW conference - Discussion of Institute of Medicine Report. Dr. Diana Zuckerman
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TS 64
Repeat of NOW conference speaker on migration of Silicone
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TS 65
Continuation of NOW conference. Dr Michael Harbut, speaker
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TS 66
IN THE KNOW conference. Women in entertainment industry discuss experiences with breast implants
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TS 67
IN THE KNOW conference. Dr. Melmed shows explanted implants WARNING - GRAPHIC
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TS 68
IN THE KNOW conference. Dr. Melmed shows explanted implants (repeat). WARNING - GRAPHIC
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TS 69
IN THE KNOW conference. Interview of Dr. Melmed, a surgeon who has removed many implants.
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TS 70
Sybil Goldrich speaks before start of picketing/rally in front of the FDA
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TS 71
Presentation of photos of Anne Stansil - WARNING: PHOTOS ARE GRAPHIC
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TS 72
Women's groups picket FDA to make sure FDA does not approve implants
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TS 73
Martha Burke speaks. National Counsel of Women's Organizations. WARNING GRAPHIC
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TS 77
Message from http://www.FixTheFDA.org
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TS 78
IN THE KNOW commercial urging FDA not to approve implants
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TS 80
National Center for Women and Families information video. Dr Diana Zuckerman and Dr. Melmed
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TS 82
Dr. Pierre Blais Canadian Scientist discusses silicone
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SG 2
The Price of Beauty. Canadian TV report about Meme implant and polyurethane foam. WARNING; GRAPHIC
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SG 5
News broadcast featuring argument over whether or not implants are safe and should be approved by the FDA
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SG 7
Sally Jesse Raphael show regarding implants WARNING; GRAPHIC
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SG 9
Jenny Jones Show; Introduction shows textured silicone and saline implants.
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SG 11
AM-LA. Story told by woman with implants
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SG 15
Dan Rather Show - Rita Braver reports on breast implants
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SG 16
Rheumatologist giving a speech
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SG 17
Night Watch - pro and con view of breast implants. Pierre Blais featured.
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SG 19
"People are Talking". San Francisco - Discussion of implant safety. GRAPHIC
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SG 20
"People are Talking" Continuation. GRAPHIC
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SG 22
News broadcast re: implants. Dr. Sidney Wolf, Dr. Fisher - Warning - many advertisements
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SG 23
Jenny Jones talks about her implants
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SG 24
Dow Corning announces they will stop selling implants. Offers money to women to have implants removed.
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SG 25
Jenny Jones talks about implants (long section of non related materials at the beginning)
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SG 26
C-Span. Regarding Moratorium on implants. Debate in House of Representatives - House Select Committee
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SG 28
Pierre Blais discusses problems with silicone implants
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SG 29
Jenny Jones and Phil Donahue - Jenny Jones and Phil Donahue discuss implants
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SG 32
Command Trust Network Conference - Mark Lape discusses informed consent and what it means to be an expert
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SG 33
Command Trust Network Conference - Dr. Pierre Blais
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SG 34
Chemical affects of silicone on children whose mother's nursed while having implants. Jama Russano
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SG 35
Discussion of legal implications of implants. Government informed consent on removal of implants from the market. Panel on implants. Jenny Jones
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SG 36
Command Trust Network discussion of breast implants.
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SG 37
Command Trust Network. Discussion and Debate re Informed Consent and Incidence of rupture
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SG 38
CNBC Interview of Sybil Niden Goldrich
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SG 39
Community Update - The Ban on Breast Implants, June 1992, Interview with Sybil Niden Goldrich and attorney Roman Silberfeld
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SG 41
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SG 42
Discussion of Dow Corning Bankruptcy - The State of Bankruptcy
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SG 43
Linda Ellerbe gives disclaimer of Lifetime Film - Two Small Voices
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SG 44
Two Small Voices - Lifetime Movie of the Week - Activities of Kathleen Anneken and Sybil Niden Goldrich. Women fight back against silicone implants
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SG 45
Linda Ellerbe announces disclaimer before TWO SMALL VOICES airs on Lifetime. Linda Ellerbe has a post-film discussion about implants. Facts and Choices: Describes different ty[es of reconstruction. Mention of Soy Oil implants. Says: No reconstruction is a choice.
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SG 47
Science panel says no proven information or cause and effect of silicone. Mention of Mahlum case
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SG 48
Nightly News - Jim Lehrer. Scientific Panel Reports on connective tissue disease. Several coverage stories. States 10,000 - 20,000 law suits
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SG 49
Reports on saline implants. More studies requested because of high rupture rate. Indicates that 25% of implants need replacement.
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SG 50
Breast Implant Research and Information Act. Statements of Implanted Patients
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SG 51
Maria Bartoromo of CNBC: Inamed application for approval rejected. More studies mandated. Discussion of stock price of Inamed.
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SG 53
C-Span. Washington Journal. Interview of Sybil Niden Goldrich
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SG 54
AM-LA Talk sShow re: implants. Discusion of injections of silicone.
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SG 55
TV Show "Everyday". Kathleen Anneken, RN discusses silicone implants. Sybil Niden Goldrich inerviewed
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SG 56
Bill O'Reilly and Craig Rivera. interview women about implants. Some favor implants, some do not. Garry Brody, MD head of ASPRS.
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SG 57
KCET LA Frontline - David Kessler, MD hed of FDA says Scientific Evidence is simply not there. Discusion of removing breast implants from marke. Other speakers: Dr. Marcia Angell, John O'Quinn, Esq. Discussion of Kessler's ruling
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SG 58
"Daytime Dialogue". Breast Implants - Are They Safe? What decision will the FDA make re: safety. How important are breast implants?
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SG 59
Crier & Co. Discussion of whether there is enough data to keep implants on the market. Sybil Niden Goldrich interviewed.
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SG 60
News Report discussing complications of implants. Breast Implants Boom or Bust. Gives list of risks.
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SG 61
A Figure To Die For. WARNING GRAPHIC IN SOME PLACES - Survivors of Silicone tell of their cases, Children of implanted women, Reactions of husbands of women with implants, Women's support group named AWARE
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SG 62
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SG 63
Orange County, CA Support Group. Dr. Henry Jenny gives a history of Breast Implants and discusses safety of implants.
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SG 64
Dow Corning Corporation announcement of settlement of Bankruptcy at $3.2 billion. Several shows and interviews.
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SG 66
Testimony regarding safety of implants. Interviews regarding implant safety.
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SG 67
Geraldo rivera interviews women who have had implants. Denise Dunleavy, Esq, Kathleen Anneken, RN, and several plastic surgeons.
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SG 69
Bill O'Reilly, Inside Edition: Surgitek announces its closure. British tv story regarding implants.
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SG 71
Command Trust Network Symposium. "Silicone Saturday": Kathleen Anneken, RN, introduces Dr. Suzanne Teuber and her team presenting scientific studies of implants.
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SG 72
Command Trust Network Symposium. "Silicone Saturday": Lawyers discuss litigation surrounding implants. Lawyers talk of the value of litigation regarding silicone information.
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SG 73
Command Trust Network Symposium. "Silicone Saturday": (continued)
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SG 76
TV Show with women telling of their experiences. Night Talk with Jane Rickman. Note: Presidential Debates start right after Jane Rickman. Nothing mentioned about implants in the debates.
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SG 77
World In Action. "The Price of Beauty"
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SG 78
Heartland With John Casich. Actress Sally Kirkland tells of her implant problems. Day Side with Linda Vester - Should ban on implants be lifted. Dr. Diana Zuckerman, epidemiologist, Kim Gandy, president of NOW and then Dr. Linda Lipkin presents support of implants
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SG 79
CBS "FACE TO FACE": CONNIE CHUNG - first national tv show covering implants. Pivotal because it reached so many women to call their doctors causing doctors to call silicone problems: Connie Chung disease
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SG 81
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