Deadline Date
Type of Deadline
April 2, 2008
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for Polymyositis or Dermatomyositis (consult the SFDCT about your specific cure deadline)
May 1, 2008
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for Primary Sjogren's Syndrome (PSS), Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) or Overlap Syndrome (OS) (consult the SF-DCT about your specific cure deadline)
July 21, 2008
LATE CLAIM DEADLINE FOR CLASS 7, THE SILICONE MATERIAL CLAIMANT FUND and LATE CLAIM DEADLINE FOR CLASSES 9 AND 10, COVERED OTHER PRODUCTS FUND. This deadline only applies to Class 7, 9 and 10 Late Claimants listed in the Court's Order of December 12, 2007.
August 18, 2008
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for Systemic Sclerosis / Scleroderma (consult the SF-DCT about your specific cure deadline)
October 1, 2008
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for General Connective Tissue Symptoms (consult the SF-DCT about your specific cure deadline)
October 20, 2008
NOI CLAIMANTS' Deadline to submit Explant and/or Rupture claims - Classes 5, 6.1 and 6.2 (this deadline only applies to NOI claimants; it does NOT apply to timely filed claimants)
November 1, 2008
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for Atypical Neurological Disease Syndrome (ANDS) (consult the SF-DCT about your specific cure deadline)
December 15, 2008
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (consult the SF-DCT about your specific cure deadline)
January 21, 2009
FILING DEADLINE for LATE CLAIMANTS in CLASS 5 AND 6 to submit all claim forms and supporting documents. This deadline only applies to LATE CLAIMANTS in Class 5 and 6.
February 2, 2009
Cure Deadline for certain claimants who previously filed a claim for Atypical Connective Tissue Disease (ACTD) (consult the SF-DCT about your specific cure deadline)
June 2, 2014
Explant Claims submission deadline for timely filed claimants in Classes 5, 6.1 and 6.2 (NOTE: this deadline does NOT apply to NOI claimants or Late Claimants)
June 3, 2019
Disease or Expedited Release Claim submission deadline for all claims in Classes 5, 6.1 and 6.2 (this deadline does NOT apply to Late Claimants)